Our resident’s social fund is used to pay for events that involve the residents as a community such as outings, parties and special celebrations. The fund might also be occasionally used as a “hardship” fund to help individual or groups of residents to take part in significant activities and events, which they otherwise would not be able to afford from their private means and personal allowances. The fund’s income comes from donations, the proceeds of fundraising events and contributions of residents, relatives and other stakeholders for specific or general purposes.
If you would like to contribute to our resident’s social fund, please contact the Home on 01952 242 535.
All contributions from residents are entirely voluntary and there is no expectation that residents will pay into the fund on an occasional or regular basis.
The programme of events for which the social fund is used or developed is drawn up by a committee consisting of residents, relatives and staff chaired by the registered manager/a senior manager/activities co-ordinator. All residents are involved in the process and can make suggestions for events through their representatives on the committee or directly to the home’s staff. Their views on their success and value for money will also be routinely sought following the event as part of a quality assurance process.