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Nursing Care

End of Life Care

End of life care is designed to give residents coming to the end of their life care with comfort, respect and support. The aim is to make the individual as comfortable as possible whilst preserving dignity and managing their care in a dignified and thoughtful manner.

End of Life care is usually carried out by medical professionals, nurses and occupational therapists. It involves managing physical symptoms and providing emotional support for individuals, their family and friends. Our dedicated and passionate nurses are able to use the most up to date medication therapy to support a comfortable last few days and weeks. The team ensure that discomfort is managed and each resident nearing the end of their life is cherished in the manner that they would care for their family. We encourage families to visit and make contact with the home to spend time with their loved one in their final care journey.

Our team is fortunate to have a passionate end of life lead and we value ensuring that every family has the most dignified and peaceful end of life journey. The team strive to ensure that the wishes of the resident and the family are adhered to, and small touches that mean so much are tended to diligently to ensure that this is the case.

If you or your loved one requires end of life care, an End-of-Life service could be the right choice.